
The meaning of Namaste is very interesting.


Namaste is an ancient Sanskrit word and is still in use today. It is a customary greeting from India and Nepal and is used when individuals greet or bid farewell to each other.

Namaste hand position

When performing the Namaste greeting there are two types of physical greetings:

  1. The hands are held together, palm to palm, in front of the heart (the Heart Chakra) and the head bowed,
  2. The hands are held together, palm to palm, in front of the forehead (the Third Eye) and the hands are lowered to in front of the heart (the Heart Chakra) as the head is bowed.

The Namaste gesture is also frequently used without the spoken word.

The ancient meaning

According to Wikipedia, Namaste dates back at least 4000 years. Figurines, dating to 3000 – 2000 BC, discovered in India, were in the Namaste hand position.

Accepted translations

Ihe simple translation means “The Spirit in me greets the Spirit in you”, acknowledging that we are all part of the same divine consciousness.

Upon deeper investigation we find this word is connected with the Namaste prayer:

I honor the place in you in which the entire universe dwells,

I honor the place in you which is of love, light, peace and joy,

When you are in that place in you and I am in that place in me,

We Are One.


You’re probable wondering how this related to meditation practice. Namaste, as a greeting or a prayer, reflects the core of spiritual meditation. We are all connected spiritually.

Other traditions

While you may have to dig deep, I have discovered that the principle that Namaste represents is a common thread among most, if not all, religions and spiritual disciplines.


The meaning and usage of Namaste is important and represents the principles and attitude that a regular meditation practice brings. The deeper spiritual meaning may be something worthwhile to meditate on in your next session.


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